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A sāmaṇera bundles up against the cold as he does walking meditaiton outside the library window.

20190322_abhayagiri_gallery_09.jpg The same outdoor Buddha during a warm, sunny day in mid March.ThumbnailsA retreat crew member arrives for breakfast after an overnight snow in early February.The same outdoor Buddha during a warm, sunny day in mid March.ThumbnailsA retreat crew member arrives for breakfast after an overnight snow in early February.The same outdoor Buddha during a warm, sunny day in mid March.ThumbnailsA retreat crew member arrives for breakfast after an overnight snow in early February.The same outdoor Buddha during a warm, sunny day in mid March.ThumbnailsA retreat crew member arrives for breakfast after an overnight snow in early February.The same outdoor Buddha during a warm, sunny day in mid March.ThumbnailsA retreat crew member arrives for breakfast after an overnight snow in early February.The same outdoor Buddha during a warm, sunny day in mid March.ThumbnailsA retreat crew member arrives for breakfast after an overnight snow in early February.
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