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The same mountain after a snow in mid February.
A retreat crew member baking a cake in the kitchen.
Retreat crew members cooking on the stove.
The monastery's outdoor Buddha shrine after an overnight snow in mid February.
The outdoor Buddha during a warm, sunny day in mid March.
Morning sunlight crests a nearby mountain peak as the moon descends for the day.
Morning sunlight reveals an overnight dusting of snow on the nearby moutain peak.
A lay guest decorates the sandstone Buddha with fresh flowers.
A retreat crew member prepares a floral arrangement for the meditation hall.
Monks chat outdoors during a rare sunny day in February.
A monk does walking meditation on a warm, sunny afternoon in mid March.
Preparing candles to offer on the evening of Māgha Pūjā day.
Sharing candles on Māgha Pūjā.
Ajahn Sek leads the monks as they circumambulate the Buddha on Māgha Pūjā.
An anagarika offers flowers and candles to the Buddha on Māgha Pūjā.