Home / Winter Retreat 2020 45
- Sunny, Spring-like conditions offer a pleasant abiding for Ajahn Ñaniko as he does walking meditation mid-March.
- The monastery’s cloister area during a heavy snowfall mid-January.
- Luang Por Pasanno, sweeping away dust, sweeping away stains.
- Retreat crew member Nick dispatches snow from the walkway around the cloister area.
- Anagarika Bret and Bhikkhu Jagaro drying meal bowls on a sunny afternoon in early-March.
- From left, venerables Jagaro, Tissaro and Rakkhito walk to the kitchen in inclement January weather.
- Flowers retired from the Dhamma hall decorate an outside Buddharūpa in mid-April.
- An oak in the midst of a snowfall.
- A creative assortment of flowers courtesy of Apple and Nan.
- Winter wonderland-like conditions mid-January.
- Laughs from an impromptu gathering of lay people in mid-February, before the shelter-in-place restrictions.
- Luang Por addressing questions from the lay community.
- Mimi asking questions of Luang Por.
- Lighting candles before the circumambulation of the Buddharūpa on Māgha Pūjā.
- Liam lights candles for the circumambulation.