Home / Winter Retreat 2020 45
- Anagarika Josh emerges from the kitchen with his daily meal.
- Deer outside the Upper Black Rock kuti mid-March.
- What retirement looks like for a forest monk: Luang Por sweeping the cloister area.
- A rising sun gives a halo to trees lining the Black Rock trail in early March.
- The B2 creekside kuti in sunny weather late February.
- An impromptu crowd gathers for a Dhamma talk from Luang Por Pasanno in early March, prior to shelter-in-place restrictions.
- Luang Por delivers Dhamma.
- Luang Por laughs as long-time lay supporter Kamala tells stories mid-March.
- Samanera Candasilo cleans the windows of the Dhamma Hall before a half-moon Wan Phra in late March.
- Floral decorations courtesy of Apple and Nan in preparation for Songkran.
- Jeed requests the three refuges and five precepts for the lay community during Songkran celebrations.
- Luang Por Pasanno offers the three refuges and five precepts.
- The lay community joins Jeed in taking refuges and precepts.
- Luang Por Pasanno leads the Songkran celebration with a smile, a bountiful floral backdrop and a livestream audience via YouTube.
- The intrepid 2020 Winter Retreat Crew from left, Nick, Jeed, Max, Ladawan, Paul, Nit, Skip, Nan and Dave. Not pictured: RJ, Ric, Cecilia, Jeff and Rita.