Home 4971
- Sāmaṇera Guṇavīro and his parents
- Tan Kaccāna and Sāmaṇera Ṭhitasukho
- Sāmaṇera Tissaro and his Father
- Sāmaṇeras Guṇavīro, Tissaro, and Ṭhitasukho
- Bowing to The Preceptor
- Taking the 3 Refuges and 10 Precepts
- The new novices make their offerings in their new robes
- The anagārikas go to change into their new robes
- The formal request for the going forth
- Anagārikas Jeff, Dorian, and Hector - Ready to take on the Brown Robes
- Tarps protecting unsealed concrete
- New sign - showing extent of work still to be done in 2017
- Basement shrine room
- Kitchen clean-up after mid-night tea
- Kitchen clean-up after mid-night tea