14 photos
From Novice to Monk
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“Bhikkhus, I allow you three robes: a double-layer outer robe, a single-thickness upper robe, and a single-thickness lower robe.” - Mahavagga (VIII.13.4-8) In accordance with standards set in Thailand, a candidate for monkhood at Abhayagiri must sew and dye a set of three robes, which will comprise most of his wardrobe until it wears out and must be replaced. This “triple set”consists of the sabong - a lower robe worn daily around the waist; the jiworn - an outer robe covering the whole body; and the sanghati - a double-layered robe folded up and worn over the shoulder during formal occasions. With very little experience sewing or dyeing, novice monk Dhammavaro had six weeks to complete this undertaking before his ordination ceremony in May 2020.
Painting Casa Serena
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Winter to Spring
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Bright flowers, green grass, and big clouds. Spring returns.
Winter Retreat 2020
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New Year's Day 2020
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2019 Kathina
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Animals of Abhayagiri
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Abhayagiri is a refuge for many beings
Bicycle Pilgrimage
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The 18th annual Buddhist Bicycle Pilgrimage, organized by Dharmawheels Foundation, concluded their 2 day, 140 mile journey at Abhayagiri.
Teen Weekend
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Spirit Rock's annual teen weekend at Abhayagiri.
Sāmaṇera Cittapālo's Bhikkhu Ordination
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On August 25, 2019 Sāmaṇera Cittapālo went forth among the Abhayagiri Sangha as a Bhikkhu. Luang Por Pasanno offered his reflections as he enters the Sangha. Ajahn Karuṇadhammo and Ajahn Ñaniko served as chanting ācariyas.
Luang Por Pasanno's 70th Birthday & Chao Khun Celebration
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Saturday August 10th the community came together to celebrate Luang Por's 70th birthday and Chao Khun title. Luang Por’s original birthday celebration was scheduled to be on July 27th, but was cancelled due to an invitation from the King of Thailand to receive a Chao Khun title on the king's birthday. His new title is Tan Chao Khun Phra Raja Bodhividesa (Pali) or Tan Chao Khun Phra Raj Bodhi Videj (Thai), which is considered to be a high honor, recognizing his many years of commitment and service to the Sangha and his significant role in helping to establish the Buddhist monastic tradition in the West.